{"id":644,"date":"2023-07-18T15:01:20","date_gmt":"2023-07-18T06:01:20","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/realkpop.com\/heo-jeong-hyeok-time-for-music-to-bloom-bud-age\/"},"modified":"2023-07-18T15:01:20","modified_gmt":"2023-07-18T06:01:20","slug":"heo-jeong-hyeok-time-for-music-to-bloom-bud-age","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/realkpop.com\/heo-jeong-hyeok-time-for-music-to-bloom-bud-age\/","title":{"rendered":"Heo Jeong-hyeok, time for music to bloom… ‘Bud Age’"},"content":{"rendered":"


\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <\/p>\n

Heo Jeong-hyeok. 2023.07.18. (Photo = Provided by musicians) photo@newsis.com *Resale and DB prohibited<\/p>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Reporter Lee Jae-hoon = Folk is not new, but singer-songwriter Heo Jeong-hyeok’s music is not a tautology. Music that embraces his uniqueness by raising it from his own life. <\/p>\n

In 2017, he won the bronze medal at the 28th Yoo Jae-ha Music Contest and took his first steps in music activities. He has released a single and an EP with the folk duo ‘Shiot and Wind’ formed with Haepa. <\/p>\n

The simplicity of this album, which contains 13 tracks for which he wrote and composed lyrics (only the lyrics of \u201cNew Road\u201d was borrowed from Yun Dong-ju\u2019s poem \u201cNew Road\u201d), was sparked by the addition of the outstanding producer Kim Hae-won. It is to capture the process of buds blooming into flowers. <\/p>\n

Heo Jeong-hyeok’s twists and turns, not to capture the world by force, but to go back and forth between hope and despair even when he is powerless. It becomes a twist and turns and gradually opens the hearts of the listeners. How powerful a song can be when it truly captures each person’s story. That’s what Heo Jeong-hyeok’s music proves. His ten years of life have been transferred to this album. The following is a Q&A with Heo Jeong-hyeok in writing. <\/p>\n

-How do you feel about your first full-length album?<\/p>\n

“It took me a long time to release my first full-length album. I don’t think I really realized it, and I feel a little bewildered. I feel a little empty after finishing my busy work. Anyway, I feel proud and relieved to think that I managed to release an album. do.”<\/p>\n

– After releasing this album, is there anything that has changed as a musician, Heo Jeong-hyeok, or as an individual Heo Jeong-hyeok?<\/p>\n

\u201cAfter releasing the album, I don\u2019t feel any stark difference as a professional and a living person. I felt that I was squirming again. In that respect, I think that feeling more motivated to live than before is the part that has changed after releasing the album.”<\/p>\n

-You wrote it in the words of the author, but how did the album title ‘Bud Days’ come about? The bud is also a metaphor for Jung Hyuk’s present. What are the similarities between you and Bud?<\/p>\n

\u201cIf you look at the songs on the album, they contain the difficulties and heaviness you face in life, but they also contain the movement of reaching out to hold on to hope. So I wanted to find an expression that wasn\u2019t just dark or bright. It’s an expression that came to my mind one day, thinking of the ‘bud’, the state before it blooms, and seeing that it contains both the expectation that it will bloom soon and the anxiety that it might not bloom, so I thought it would be appropriate for the title of the album. I felt that the expression \u2018bud\u2019 was similar to my sluggish image, which was still only a possibility. And I wanted to use the expression \u2018era\u2019 to tie together songs that were built over a long time.\u201d<\/p>\n

-You described the album as a ‘record of a clumsy walk’. Wasn’t that clumsy walk difficult? What does that step mean?<\/p>\n

\u201cI wanted to express life itself through the expression \u2018walking.\u2019 Walking can be seen as a natural part of everyday life. Some days, you take a light, refreshing step, but on other days, you can\u2019t take even one step. I wanted to talk about how I struggled to survive somehow while going through a difficult time. I think I found that expression because there are colorful images in the album.”<\/p>\n

-How was working with producer Kim Hae-won? What synergies did you have? I understand that Jung Hyuk suggested producing to Hae Won, what was the reason?<\/p>\n

“There are many reasons why I proposed to Haewon to be the producer of this album, but I think it’s safe to say that he just followed my feelings. I just had a feeling that something would work well together. I met a lot of parts. It was thanks to the moments when we made cool textures musically and talked about this and that while working. I remember the times when we listened to each other’s favorite music together and exchanged ideas. One of the impressions I had of Haewon was about her delicacy, and it was fun to be able to share that sense. I was able to learn a lot because we were together.\u201d


Heo Jeong-hyeok. 2023.07.18. (Photo = Provided by musicians) photo@newsis.com *Resale and DB prohibited<\/p>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

-How did producer Hwang Hyun-woo, who was in charge of mixing, give you strength?<\/p>\n

“Actually, I was only going to be with Hyunwoo-nim until the recording, but I ended up working with him until the end of the recording. As the work continued, Hyunwoo-nim came to be in charge of more parts. Not only the technical part, but He gave realistic and practical feedback and advice by utilizing his experiences of producing and producing multiple albums. He also acted as a lubricant between me and Haewon with appropriate judgment and perspective so that the work could go better. Even at that time, I felt it, but looking back, I think he played an indispensable and important role in this album.\u201d<\/p>\n

-The arrangement of the tracks feels as if you are watching a full-length novel. What was the most important part of the track layout?<\/p>\n

\u201cWhen thinking about the arrangement of the tracks, what I considered important was that I wanted them to feel connected as a single flow. I wanted to give the impression that several songs were organically connected and connected to one narrative. I wanted to.”<\/p>\n

-Which is the oldest song on the album and which is the most recent? What does the time between the two mean?<\/p>\n

\u201cI don\u2019t remember exactly which song was for each question, but in terms of time, the oldest song was about ten years ago, and the most recent song was last year. Like this, the album contains a long time. I guess you could say it was time. I want to focus more on the fact that it took a long time, but somehow I managed to do something. After some time, I feel like I’m finally tying a knot about one era, so now it’s the next step into another era. I feel like I can take a step forward.”<\/p>\n

-‘Forest’ was collaborated with Choi Go-eun. What kind of relationship did the two of you have and how did you come to work this time?<\/p>\n

\u201cIt wasn\u2019t that we had a relationship before. Goeun-nim is a musician belonging to \u2018CTR Sound\u2019, headed by Hyun-woo, so we met while going back and forth from the studio (the home of CTR Sound called \u2018Elk Commando\u2019 and where the album was recorded). It took a lot of work. Then, one day during the recording process, I thought it would be nice if the song ‘Forest’ had the voice of another being, so I asked Go Eun-nim, who happened to stop by the recording studio, to sing. So fatefully and naturally, Go-eun’s I added my voice. There is an echo that is created when Goeun’s voice appears in the song, and I really like that.”<\/p>\n

– Both the title and the lyrics are poetic. What elements do you consider important when writing lyrics? Is there anything different about the lyrics for these songs compared to the previous ones?<\/p>\n

\u201cSince this album is a solo album, there are a lot of personal and autobiographical aspects. As much as it deals with intimate stories, I tried to convey the images honestly. I think I tried to express it more accurately than to find it.”<\/p>\n

– It’s an album that comes to mind with keywords such as memory, nature, and consolation. What words or scenery came to your mind the most while working on the album?<\/p>\n

\u201cAs you asked, there were some things that came to my mind naturally while working. I will tell you two of them. The first thing that came to my mind was the word \u2018step\u2019. As I answered in the previous question, I came to think of the days I have lived as a walk. And another is the landscape. What kind of image is a ‘hill’ picture that I took sometime ago. An image of a hill When I think about it, I feel the hard and desperate feeling in front of the uphill that I have to climb right now, and I feel the direction and dream of going beyond that hill to the next one. I think these keywords will be helpful as I read the narrative while listening to the album.”<\/p>\n

-Haepa also released a solo album. What kind of synergy will your individual activities bring to the team? What’s the best thing about doing a duet with Mr. Haepa? How did the two of you come together to form a team?


Heo Jeong-hyeok. 2023.07.18. (Photo = Provided by musicians) photo@newsis.com *Resale and DB prohibited<\/p>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n

“Meeting Haepa was in the early days when each of us were promoting as solo musicians. My lightly suggestion that we sing together became the starting point. I didn’t have any pictures from the beginning, but as I did, we got along well. Then, We came up with a name for the team, and naturally started making songs together. There are many parts that fit well both personally and musically, so it seems that we exchanged fun and strength with each other. Seeing that people have gained momentum enough to release a single and an EP album within a year of meeting each other, there must have been some kind of synergy, and I think there is a taste that only the two of them can produce musically.\u201d<\/p>\n

– I do folk based music. It’s a genre that’s getting less attention these days. What is the appeal of this genre and what does it mean for you as a young musician to make music based on this genre?<\/p>\n

\u201cAlthough folk is based on a genre, I don\u2019t know if it has that much authenticity. Even so, I am attracted to the characteristics and charms of the folk genre, such as folklore, lyrical, and athletic, and putting more weight on lyrics. That’s right. But I’m also interested in other genres or approaches. I didn’t insist on a certain genre or texture from the beginning of my music career, and I think I just happened to do something similar. Anyway, if you look closely and see that you belong to the non-mainstream side, that’s I don’t necessarily think it has any implications for me. Personally, I don’t have a strong sense of calling as a professional, or I’m not the type to be ambitious. Maybe I’ll explore more desirable attitudes and methods (if they exist) for living as a non-mainstream musician of the present age. I don’t know if I should do it. But even if music isn’t my job, I just want to find out what I want to do and what I have to do and live it. I feel that doing music like this follows a certain flow. Anyway, for now, music is always available. I want to use it as a tool or form that can be used.”<\/p>\n

-In the popular music market, the indie environment is not easy as the market has become polar opposite. From Jung Hyuk\u2019s point of view, what is the current situation of the domestic indie scene? What support do you think indie musicians need most?<\/p>\n

\u201cWhen I try to answer this question, I feel a sense of responsibility that I am not conscious of. So, I’m not trying to pinpoint the problems of the current structure of the music industry or propose an alternative, but I’d like to talk about my personal wish. I hope that diversity will be secured and respected in the music market. To elaborate a little more, the so-called I hope that only the music that sells will survive or that more conditions will be created that will not be swayed by popularity or capital. It would be nice if the conditions were met. This story is not limited to the domestic indie scene, and I feel sad and embarrassed at the same time because it seems that life in the world is not easy wherever I look these days. Naturally, I want to live with a sense of shame and responsibility more often. .”<\/p>\n

– How did Junghyeok start to make music? Are there any musicians he has influenced? What genres and songs did he listen to a lot?<\/p>\n

\u201cWhen I was just over 20, more than 10 years later, I accidentally made my first song with a guitar that I couldn\u2019t even play well, and I started to develop an interest in music. Apparently, when I was young, I was influenced a lot by the music I encountered in church. However, as the days went by, I didn’t want to have a strong religious color or be under the influence of it, so I constantly tried to expand my world by finding and listening to various music. And separately I didn’t study music, so I didn’t follow any system or genealogy, but I looked for and listened to music that I could see and hear from time to time, such as old songs and old pop with lyricism, country and bluegrass, folk and folk songs, and various languages. World music, bossa nova and jazz, contemplative and calm New Age-style performances and easy-listening music, as well as domestic and foreign indie and major singer-songwriters singing their stories. , but it was so difficult to pick a musician when talking about them, so I tried to list a large number as they came to mind.”<\/p>\n

– Have you ever regretted starting music? Conversely, when have you felt the most rewarding?<\/p>\n

“I’ve never had any regrets while doing music. It’s more like the act itself, but more so professionally because there are no other options other than music. Instead, I feel regret for not being active earlier. I feel rewarded while doing music. When I feel it, it’s when I see the music I’ve made spreads to the lives of the listeners. Seeing that kind of reaction is the most welcome and long-awaited thing. Music to connect hearts and minds, to see stories and other stories meet and work together. I don’t even know what to do.”<\/p>\n

– What are your future plans?<\/p>\n

\u201cFirst of all, there are one or two performances held here and there every month until October. I think I will probably do that until this year. After solo activities, I wonder if I will prepare for poetry and wind activities next.”<\/p>\n

-Lastly, it’s a trite question, but I want to ask it because it’s your first interview with me. What kind of musician do you want to be? What kind of times will these days be remembered for Jung Hyuk?<\/p>\n

\u201cI have the question of what kind of musician I want to be, but it always seems difficult. Recently, I was asked a similar question in another interview, and at that time, I said that I wanted to become a musician like \u2018flower\u2019 in connection with this album. This time, With a different answer, I think that I want to become a dream musician (or person). The part about what kind of dream is is still vague and may change. Anyway, I hope I can become a person who can talk about my dream someday. More Furthermore, I hope that I will be able to fulfill my dream through music by adding various imaginations to my life concretely, both narratively and musically. And when I look back at the present in the future, I think I will remember it as the moment when I got up and took a step forward.”<\/p>\n


Heo Jeong-hyeok. 2023.07.18. (Photo = Provided by musicians) photo@newsis.com *Resale and DB prohibited Reporter Lee Jae-hoon = Folk is not new, but singer-songwriter Heo Jeong-hyeok’s music…<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":645,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":[],"categories":[3],"tags":[1208,1206,1207,132,1205,138,197],"powerkit_post_featured":[],"aioseo_notices":[],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/realkpop.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/644"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/realkpop.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/realkpop.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/realkpop.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/realkpop.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=644"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/realkpop.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/644\/revisions"}],"wp:featuredmedia":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/realkpop.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media\/645"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/realkpop.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=644"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/realkpop.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=644"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/realkpop.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=644"},{"taxonomy":"powerkit_post_featured","embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/realkpop.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/powerkit_post_featured?post=644"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}